Alright, we all know what I've been posting about the new changes to v5 and it looks awesome. Hopefully, this post will give a little more about this without me getting all *SPOILER* on you guys.
With v4, we implemented several features on the site to help you all find out more about us, when we stream, and various other stuff like Archives, Cast Blogs, and Forums. With v5, we're going to take all of that to the next level. v5's primary focus (site-side) will be on our Forums and Cast Blogs. Why is this? Because we want to have that community feel no matter who you are. Whether your a veteran TGS/TGSR follower and followed us all the way from v1 or if you're just now looking into TGS/TGSR and want to know more, we want your thoughts. Between the Blogs and the Forums, this is going to be our vent out to each of our community members to learn what you all want to see out of us.
With that being said, the biggest remaining change is our Link Bar. For those that noticed a mino
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