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Recap and Review: Kamen Rider Drive Episode 12

          The last episode of 2014 for Kamen Rider Drive is here and we got quite the episode in store for us.  Let's see what happened in episode 12 "Where did the white Kamen Rider come from?"  We start the episode with a meeting from various departments of the police discussing the current case of the week.  Hanamura Kinzo, a real estate speculator, is in the hospital from a blow to the head and there are many people who could have done it.  Otta reports that Slowdown happened and a monster possibly pulled this off. He is laughed out of the room but he vows to prove his theory right.  The S.C.U. doesn't find anything suspicious but Otta is not giving up.   Tomari gets to play is partner for a while as Kiriko is off today prepping for her brother's return from oversea.  At the crime scene Tomari runs into a mysterious photographer who is investigating the case as well.  He challenges Tomari to a race to solve it and heads off before Tomari can get a straight answer from him.

          Otta manages to find a witness who identified the suspect known as Todagawa.  They find him at a factory and chase him down only to be interrupted by the arrival of a Roidmude.  The two get thrown off the building but the Shift Cars save Tomari and let Otta fall harmlessly to the ground very slowly.  Tomari does battle with the cowboy themed Roidmude for a bit in Technique form but he runs off.  Tomari checks Otta before he runs off after the Roidmude.  Back at the station Otta manages to mispronounce Roidmude and sketches Drive as an amalgamation of his current three forms.  He heads off with Rinna to test out her new device whiles Tomari has a chat with Kyu about the case.  We find out the motive behind the case and have another appearance of the cameraman.  He has a picture of the Roidmude and uses it to distract Kyu so he can tell Tomari he knows he is a Kamen Rider.  The cameraman back flips away and after fetching Kyu out of the river heads off in pursuit of the Todagawa since they now have a location.

          Otta is first to arrive and is able to walk around during a Slowdown event due to Rinna's new backpack.  Tomari soon arrives to explain that Todagawa is not the Roidmude and someone else is.  Our comedic Rider arrives and interrupts Tomari to explain the rest.  This throws Tomari for a loop since he doesn't get to do his bit at all.  The Rider evens tops Tomari by having a photo of the Roidmude on hand.  He opens fire on them all but Tomari quickly engages him in Speed form.  He does his best but is a bit outmatched by the gunslinger.  Kiriko arrives saying she was called there which gives Gou, the American Kamen Rider, to enter and with the help of Amazing Circus, a Shift Car station in America, makes his grand debut as Kamen Rider Mach.  He uses Signal Bikes instead of Shift Cars and engages the gunslinger in battle. 

          Mach shows us what he can do by moping the floor with the Roidmude with his own gun and flashy acrobatics.  Tomari and Kiriko are on the sidelines for the rest of the fight and watch Mach does his thing.  Buckle is also surprised by this which is a first.  Mach uses a Signal Change and gives his shots a curving affect.  This leads to Mach doing his big Rider Kick finisher to put the monster down.  He doesn't stay down for good as Medic arrives to keep the cowboy from blowing up for good.  She bolts after introducing herself and Gou says hi to his sister Kiriko and absolutely confuse Tomari.  We end the episode with Medic reviving Gunman and continuing to heal Heart.  Gunman then introduces his brother which is another Roidmude I think.

          I am not going to lie I like Gou and enjoyed all his antics this week.  I know he has put others off but I cannot help but smile every time he trolls Tomari and shows to be one step ahead of him the entire episode.  Mach looks great and I love the Evil Knievel inspiration.  The fight was fun to watch and I cannot wait to see more of this flashy Rider.  Gunman was standard in terms of bad guys but it was cool to see Cait Sith's actor from Wizard return to do another role.  The case itself was cut and dry and served mostly to introduce Mach.  Overall this was an episode designed to introduce Gou and give him a big push and it did that job well.  I wish there was more from Tomari and Kiriko this week when it comes to interactions but we will get that in two weeks.  We will get back to the main plot in two weeks but next week we will take a look at episode zero, I will give my thoughts on Movie Taisen Full Throttle and I will give my magic eight ball a good shake and see what is in store in the shows future in the new year.

          If you want to see the show for yourself check out Over-Time or TV-Nihon for subbed episodes every week or check out http://taima.tv/r/TokuNMecha for Super Hero Time, Ressha Sentai Toqger and Kamen Rider Drive, live at 6:30 p.m. EST on Saturday.  Join the discussion either in the comments or on the forums on the site and check out TGSR Saturdays at 9:00 p.m. EST as we discuss the show further.    

Category: peacemaker2448 | Views: 715 | Added by: peacemaker2448 | Tags: Շաբլոն, dance in the dream, Bordeaux shpallet kampioni i ri i F, прокладывая, Сделать микроскоп, Ra One (2011) online subtitrat, Ритуальные убийства / Rituels meurt, Настройка браузера, Гепатромбин свечи инструкция по при | Rating: 0.0/0
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