Home » 2014 » October » 29 » Recap and Review: Kamen Rider Drive Episode 4
11:14 PM
Recap and Review: Kamen Rider Drive Episode 4

          With the culprit known and a entire episode to catch him how will Drive and crew wrap up this case.  Let's take a look at episode four "What Does The Proud Hunter Want?".  We kick off with Chase and Drive getting into a bit of scuffle.  Drive is mostly playing defense to protect Kiriko from stray fire.  He does open up a opportunity to retreat for now thanks to the Tridoron. Paint sees the battle to its conclusion and says everything is coming up good for him.  Back at the Pit Tomari, Kiriko, and Buckle review the case before Kiriko pesters Tomari over not fighting back.  Buckle tells her he was protecting her in the fight and then calls someone to see if Drive's new weapon will be ready.  Paint is attending a get together of Roidmude individuals and is being chewed out for not keeping things quieter with his actions.  Heart, Brain and a unknown one are Roidmude are the ones doing the talking with Chase arriving as Paint leaves.  We find out about the Promised Number, a certain number of evolved Roidmudes gathered together before the end of a allotted time, but not much more outside of the existence of it.  Chase is assigned to keep a eye on Paint for now.

          Tomari and Otta arrive at the studio later to see the paintings gone but the presence of a lot of power cords plugged into the wall.  Paint claims they were stolen and even taunts Tomari when being interrogated at the station.  Tomari will have none of this and promises to take him down no matter what.  Rinna is back from her day off with a analysis of the painting the two brought back. They find out that a large amount of electricity is needed to keep the victims from escaping the painting.  They split up with Kiriko going out to find the others while Tomari stakes out the studio to keep an eye on Paint.  While at the studio we find out that Dimension Cab was injured six months ago and he was Dream Vegas' partner.  This reminds Tomari of his situation and he gives Vegas a quick pep talk before Paint runs off prompting Tomari to give chase.  Tomari henshins to run him down but is intercepted by Chase and Drive is caught in another fight with the Reaper.  The reaper is out for blood as Drive has killed his comrades, something he can't do.  Drive seeing he is slightly outmatched gets the Steering Sword, a sword with a steering wheel attached to it,  to even up the odds. 

          We cut away to see Kiriko find Paint's hideout only to be confronted by the mad artist.  He plans to get out of the country before he gets killed but plans to capture Kiriko before he leaves.  Kiriko stands ready scared but ready to do her duty as an officer to protect and bring him down.  Her Shift Car, Hunter,  is knocked out of her possession leaving her open to be the Roidmude's powers and the Slowdown effect.  Tomari notices the effect but can't break off due to Chase.  Cab arrives to back him up and Vegas enjoys a happy reunion.  This allows Tomari to get away in the Tridoron but Chase will not give up easily giving well chase on his bike.  He uses some "fancy" driving to finally get away.  We cut back to Kiriko as Paint boosts about his victory only to find all his paintings gone. Tomari soon arriving to bring down Paint.  He took the paintings thanks to Cab's Portal like powers.  Tomari soon goes to town on the artist with Cab's help.  Tomari finishes Paint off with a combination of Vegas' finisher in both the brace and the Steering Sword.  Kiriko and Vegas are both happy to see this case finally closed but Kiriko denies see smiled once more.  We see the three leaders of the Roidmudes unhappy about Drive's actions and a promise from the unknown Roidmude to take the Kamen Rider down and Rinna inspecting Cab at the office after hours.

          This was another good episode and gave Kiriko closure on her past much like how episode two did the same for Tomari.  We also get to see more of the Shift Cars being these sentient beings and I would love to see this continued throughout the rest of the show.  Chase shines this episode with his fight scenes and while he may just be the Zangetsu of this show it will be fun to watch him in action nonetheless.  The thing with Rinna at the end is puzzling but will have to wait a week to see where this goes.  Paint was a good villain for these two episodes doing his best to outsmart Drive and company but his ego proved to be his downfall like many before him.  Overall a good episode that gives Kiriko and the Shift Cars good moments while giving great action and giving us a couple of more things to ponder about in the weeks to come.  In two weeks Drive is on protection duty, Rinna prepares to transfer to Public Security, and Drive gets a bit Wild with his new Shift Car.

          If you want to see the show for yourself check out Over-Time or TV-Nihon for subbed episodes every week or check out http://taima.tv/r/TokuNMecha for Super Hero Time, Ressha Sentai Toqger and Kamen Rider Drive, live at 6:30 p.m. EST on Saturday.  Join the discussion either in the comments or on the forums on the site and check out TGSR Saturdays at 9:00 p.m. EST for both me and my co host Rampant Epsilon as we discuss the show further.

Category: peacemaker2448 | Views: 728 | Added by: peacemaker2448 | Tags: Շաբլոն, dance in the dream, Bordeaux shpallet kampioni i ri i F, прокладывая, Сделать микроскоп, Ra One (2011) online subtitrat, Ритуальные убийства / Rituels meurt, Настройка браузера, Гепатромбин свечи инструкция по при | Rating: 0.0/0
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