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Home » 2014»December»3 » Recap and Review: Kamen Rider Drive Episode 8
6:18 PM
Recap and Review: Kamen Rider Drive Episode 8
Tomari is down for the count and Kiriko is the only one standing between him and Chase. Let's see our heroes get out of this one in episode eight of Kamen Rider Drive "What is the secret that they hide?". After a quick recap of last week's episode we see Chase intestinally miss hitting Kiriko. He seems to be puzzled by this and flies off while Tomari passes out from his injuries. Chase later on gets chewed out for his actions by Brain and even wonders himself why he missed. Back at The Pit Tomari wakes up and proceeds to tell Kiriko she is being too reckless. This leads to a bit of a fight with Kiriko leaving to continues the investigation while Tomari realizes that him turning Kiriko down on visiting Hayase was what lead to the fight. Rinna arrives to be turned right back around to get Drive's new gun operational.
Meanwhile Shadow does his best to tail Kusaka but he is blown away by 033 before he can continue farther. We check in with the Chief as he gives an interview to Kenta. This leads to word play comedy before Kiriko arrives to inform them about Shadow and to head off to East City Times. We find out they were covering the Front-R case from a few episodes ago and this leads to the revelation that Kenta knew Kusaka was working with a Roidmude and wanted to contacted Drive to help his friend. He also feels responsible for this since he told Kusaka to stop investigating the case they were on a year ago. He wants to confront his partner and bring him back from the darkness he is in. Kyu calls in to tell them the next target, The International Sports Stadium. The three head off to stop the collapse and end this case once and for all. Chase cuts them off but Tomari decides to confront the reaper while the two of them confront Kusaka. The eternal rivals gear up and begin to fight to cover that requirement for Drive episodes. Tomari is quickly outmatched by thanks to some intervention by the Tridoron gives him the opportunity to go Type Wild and even things out.
We take a quick break from the action to see Kusaka is all for faking stories now with the Roidmudes help and the Roidmude planes to dump all three in the building when it collapses. This sends Kusaka for a loop since it was only supposed to be the two of them. This Back with Tomari he has even things out but Chase has the slight advantage at the moment. Rinna arrives to drop off the Door Gun to Tomari to help out. He is a bit too excited about it and forgets to ask how it works and ends getting shot after running out of ammo. Tomari engages in a bit of comedy while figuring out the gun but manages to pull it together to drive the Reaper back a bit before Chase sees a mirage of Kiriko and this causes him to drop back. Tomari heads off to the stadium to join the main plot of the episode. He manages to arrive just in time to stop 033 from killing Kusaka and begins his assault on the camera wielding Roidmude. Tomari uses the Tridoron to soften him up with a combination of Tire Extensions. This sends the monster into the stadium where Tomari uses his new toy to dispatch the Roidmude in a very flashy fashion. The police soon arrive to take Kusaka into custody but Kenta leaves him with some words of hope possibly to get his friend back. Our dynamic duo is happy this case is over and Tomari even decides to introduce her to Hayase. We end the episode with Kiriko finding out Tomari did not introduce the two to prevent Hayase from dropping some embarrassing stuff about Tomari and Chase questioning just who he is.
While we did not learn anything really big about Chase we do get another piece to the puzzle. I firmly stand by Chase and Proto-Drive being the same person and I hope we will get answers for just how this happen soon considering Episode Zero focuses on PD and maybe that will signal a great deal more development coming Chase's way. Tomari and Kiriko get to become closer as partners as Kiriko meets Hayase for the first time. Kiriko is extremely reckless this episode and I hope see keeps the living shield strategy on an unless necessary basis from here on out. The case had a good wrap up with Kenta doing his best to win his friend back and we do not get a definitive happy ending with their relationship which was different and was good. The Door Gun was a great addition to the arsenal and I like how Drive wields it. He holds it at an angle and is something you do not see that often. The only time I have seen it was in Splinter Cell Conviction. Overall a good episode that continues to lay the groundwork for the mystery behind Chase and wrapped up the case really well. Next week an arsonist case hits the desk of the S.C.U., an electricity based Roidmude arrives, and Drive gets a brand new form Type Technique.
If you want to see the show for yourself check out Over-Time or TV-Nihon for subbed episodes every week or check out http://taima.tv/r/TokuNMecha for Super Hero Time, Ressha Sentai Toqger and Kamen Rider Drive, live at 6:30 p.m. EST on Saturday. Join the discussion either in the comments or on the forums on the site and check out TGSR Saturdays at 9:00 p.m. EST as we discuss the show further.