Home » 2014 » June » 24 » v6.1 Teaser - The Cards Are Falling
11:23 PM
v6.1 Teaser - The Cards Are Falling

Hey everyone,

Let's put it this way, there's a new update coming to the site and I'm going to tease the ever-loving crap out of it with you all right here, right now. As many of you know, v6 was recently released and this brought in a lot of new crap for us that helps you all find our stuff better, but it gets better. We're going to have a legit graphical update rolling out within the next week or two that will bring two new themes. The first we're ready to talk about. We're rolling in a brand new Yu-Gi-Oh! Theme for the site to correlate with TGSR's Season 6 show.

Here's what you're in to see with it. Keep in mind this is still in Beta and might be polished up a bit more before release:

As you can see from the image above there will be new looks that literally pop out of the page. This might also spark a v2 for the classic themes over time and might set the new method of themes.

A few other things that you can see from this image that are live is the embedded Spotify player as well as the new chat boxes at the bottom of the page.

First, the Spotify player. Ever want to listen to your music while browsing the site? Send us your Spotify URI at the link provided and we'll set the player up to custom use your Spotify playlist. This feature will be able to be started from the player on the site then continue to play as you browse the site and go about the Internet.

Second, our chat boxes. For staff, you'll see two boxes for the Staff Chat and the Site Chat. However, as a member you'll only see the Site Chat. This chat is there for those that simply want to talk to people on the site. Please keep in mind Forum Rules apply to this chat and will be held on it. However, don't let that stop you from coming into the chat and talking.

This is only a sample of what's to come with v6.1. As I said there's two themes coming as well as the possibility to start seeing v2's of the classic themes. So, stay tuned for more information.

Category: RampantEpsilon | Views: 829 | Added by: RampantEpsilon | Rating: 0.0/0
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