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Staff Positions
RampantEpsilonDate: Wednesday, 2013-09-11, 8:24 PM | Message # 1

Limited Edition Badges

Jr. Poster
Group: Global Director
Messages: 27
Reputation: 0
Status: Offline

Community Relations Description

Members in this group will be in charge of aiding in the promotion of our two shows through Facebook, Twitter, and other means. As the site obtains more members, these admins will be in charge of obtaining and reviewing community input about advertising and site-based items. This group will be lead by the Community Director and Global Admins.


Media Team Description

Members in this group will be in charge of creating and posting content on the TGS Twitch.TV channel and/or TGS YouTube. This group will be lead by the Media Team Director and Global Admins.


Forum Moderator

Members in this group will be in charge of moderating the forums as well as the TGS stream chats. This group will be lead by the Forum Director and Global Admins.


News Team

Members in this group will be responsible for adding News articles in the TGS News Corner. This position will be lead by the News Team Editior and Global Admins.


Design Team

Members in this group will be responsible for keeping all images found on TGS/TGSR up to date and looking good. This team will be lead by the Design Team Lead and Global Admins.


The Gaming Saloon & The Gaming Saloon RiffTrax Staff

Members of this group are those that are willing to take part in one or both shows. Members will start in this group at the Trainee level until they have been to three (3) consecutive TGS and/or TGSR shows. This position will be lead by the TGS/TGSR Director and Global Admins.


Utility Staff

Members of this group are in more than one of the groups above. They will follow the guidelines for each group they are a part of and will not focus on anything outside of that. This position will be lead by the appropriate Directors and Global Admins.


Operations Staff

This is a group that cannot be applied for and is only given to Admins as a sign of mastery within their respective areas. There will be up to two admins from each previous mentioned group that can achieve this position. Forum Moderators will become Forum Directors at this stage as well as Community Relations becoming Community Director, Media Team becoming Media Team Directors, News Team members becoming News Team Editors, Admin Trainers becoming Admin Training Directors, and Show Staff becoming Show Directors. This group will be lead by the Global Admins and will be in charge of their respective positions.


Global Admins

This group cannot be applied for and is only given to Operations Staff that have shown true determination and willingness to see this community through. This position is rarely given out and anyone receiving it will be honored highly. In order to obtain this position, all current Global Admins must discuss and agree on the promotion. At this rank, no one tells you what to do or how to do it. However, seniority does play a factor here and the original two Global Admins have the authority to send you back to Operations Staff.
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