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Hey everyone, Rampant here,

I would like to let everyone know we're going to be running a shortened schedule for the next week while peacemaker2448 is away on vacation. Never fear though, we'll be back to normal soon. Until then here's what we will have postponed:

- TGS will be postponed until 7/10. This is technically the next episode so we'll just catch up then.
- TGSR will be on break until 7/11. We didn't get around to recording the episode we needed to for this week and was planning on a break for next week anyway.
- RG will be postponed until 7/17. Same as TGS this will just be the next episode so we'll just continue though.

While we have these postponed, we do have the Halo HASO videos as well as the conclusion of the Super Mario 64 race recorded and those will come out during the next two weeks.

Also, Monday Mayhem will be on hiatus after the July 6th episode (please see the PSA coming out later today for mo ... Read more »

Category: Site News | Views: 803 | Added by: RampantEpsilon | Date: 2015-06-27 | Comments (0)


We here at The Gaming Saloon Network are pleased to announce that we are breaking out the big guns and going into v1.0. *HOORAY*

Now, you all know how I am so here's the breakdown. We've moved all of our posting here (as you can tell everything even from TGS/TGSR is here now). Also, we've setup shop for all of our content, but that's not all we're doing.

We're looking into better methods for certain shows we do to get the best content out there for all of you. We're looking into ways to get Member Exclusive stuff rolling (more to come in a later patch). And all around, we're looking for all of you.

Obviously, the linkbar's changed. However, the content is just easier to find now. Also, we have two more series to be added once I set them up. You'll know them when you see them.

Instead of the usual this got changed that got changed blah, blah, blah. I'm going to simply tease what's to come for ... Read more »

Category: Site News | Views: 815 | Added by: RampantEpsilon | Date: 2015-03-21 | Comments (0)


This is a small update on the things changing around the site. For those that haven't noticed yet, I've added a Series section to the linkbar this will give quick links to the playlists for our Series that aren't streamed here on TGSN via Twitch.

Also, I've completed the Admin Panel (tweaks are still being made currently) and have added the application to the linkbar. Members will notice I have a *COMING SOON* link in the linkbar. This feature should be appearing within the life of v0.2 (which shouldn't be too long).

Most of the changes found in this version are for staff members. From this point on, the updates should be more focused on stuff everyone can see since alot of Admin stuff is back in line.

Also, suggestions about making the site wider and fixing the auto-wrap while posting articles should be in the process of being fixed during the next patch. Please note that over the course of the next few weeks there may be sev ... Read more »

Category: Site News | Views: 863 | Added by: RampantEpsilon | Date: 2015-03-15 | Comments (0)

Welcome everyone to the Open Beta for our new 'Home of TGS/R' as well as other shows. Without further ado, I would like to announce The Gaming Saloon Network. Below you will see some questions and answers to help you better understand TGSN.

What is TGSN?
- TGSN is our new home for all streams we do. This ranges from our newly added streams (like Monday Mayhem and Adventures In The Old Republic) to our veteran streams (TGS & TGSR) as well as all of our other content.

What does this mean for TGS/TGSR's site?
- Honestly, nothing. That site will receive an update bringing it up to speed as soon as this site comes out of Open Beta. There will be major changes to the layout to be more appeasing to the eye (and mobile too).

What do you mean by this is an Open Beta?
- Literally, that. This site isn't complete yet, however, I felt like we need to test what we have while new features are being implemented. Doing an Open Beta just f ... Read more »

Category: Site News | Views: 858 | Added by: RampantEpsilon | Date: 2015-03-06 | Comments (1)


I know I'm a bit early to do this since Season 6 of TGSR isn't completed. However, this should be the last update to the site for quite some time as some things start getting shifted around on here. Below you'll find a list of new, current, and upcoming changes to the site. Please note that some things will not be updated immediately and others will be done within the next few days.

Update Log:

  • Forums Have Returned
    - An old feature that existed a few updates ago has resurfaced this time with more activity as the admins will attempt to help create activity and keep the flow of conversation going.
  • Admin Restructure
    - Admin CoC has be redesigned from the ground up for more information visit the Staff Listing page or the applications page
  • Home Page Update
    - The Twitch stream & chat will be on the Home Page in a spotlight fashion. Over time, this will be adjusted to incorporate different resoluti ... Read more »
Category: Site News | Views: 833 | Added by: RampantEpsilon | Date: 2014-12-24 | Comments (0)

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TGS [64]
News pertaining to TGS
TGSR [86]
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News pertaining to Monday Mayhem
Adventures In The Old Republic [1]
All things SWTOR
Gaming [3]
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Site News [50]
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