I just recently pushed part of our v5 update for the Beta Testers and the TGS/TGSR Staff. This new version of our site will be constantly updated and the current v4 that we all know and love will be on standby until v5 becomes live to everyone.
Want to take a sneak peek at the new v5 features? Join the Beta Testers. It's as simple as making an account and applying. I'll tell you this much. It will be fun, free, and you'll get to see a certain TGS/TGSR Webmaster make a few screw ups along the road.
Check it out and join TGS/TGSR today!
RampantEpsilon TGS / TGSR Webmaster & Promotion Manager
As you all are aware of from the v4.2.2 post, the Beta Tester only feature for TGSR is now live. Now you can make an account one time for that chat and everytime you want to join the fun, simply login and type away.
This is only part of the changes before v4.2.3 is released and we will be working on bringing the rest of those changes through the next few weeks. So, hop in the TGSR Chat and check it out. We don't bite.... well, we don't bite much anyway.
RampantEpsilon TGS/TGSR Promotion Manager & Webmaster
Recently our hosting site received a DDoS attack against them rendering us offline to several of our TGS/TGSR fans. This occurrence happened before our regular TGSR show. We did still stream that show under limited resources. I will be updating the TGSR page and the TGSR Archives shortly to reflect this.
Please give me around 24 hours to reflect the changes on these two pages. I should have everything settled back in place by then.
RampantEpsilon TGS/TGSR Promotion Manager / Webmaster
Our newest site update is upon us. While some of the changes I wanted to see get done by this version hasn't as of yet, they will still come. Changes to this version include: - Updated Tag Board with new ShoutBox
- Link Bar Update (as we're moving into YouTube for TGSR the Archives will be redone to the best of our ability. NOTE: Some old shows may be lost in the transition as we've changed sites a few times.)
- ADMINS: Member and Admin Panels are now together. They will remain like this until further notice.
- BETA: New Chatbox for TGSR (one for TGS will be available soon)
- Speed enhancement. Original background was causing some horrible load times this has been temporarily fixed.
- Social Media Integration. All Cast Blogs and Site News now post to TGS Facebook, TGS Twitter, TGSR Facebook, and TGSR Twitter.
Changes to look forward to:
New Site FeatureAs most of you were aware of the Tag Board that we held on the right side of the site, it comes with great pride to introduce our Tag Board 2.0 a.k.a. Shoutbox. From here on the Tag Board's new name will forever be the Shoutbox. This site-wide chat will literally follow you anywhere and the best part is that even if you don't have an account on our site you can still chat with it. Now, yes, this was a feature that came with the Tag Board and yes, we are still wanting you to make an account here to help us build even more. However, you don't have too. Feature updates with the ShoutBox will include: - Login-free chat (no need to make an account on the TGS/TGSR site for the chat)
- Optional chat login (simply click the + sign on the chat to make an account for the chat then you will never have to worry about someone acting as you)
- [BETA TESTERS ONLY] Integrated ShoutBox
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