Our newest site update is upon us. While some of the changes I wanted to see get done by this version hasn't as of yet, they will still come.
Changes to this version include:
- Updated Tag Board with new ShoutBox
- Link Bar Update (as we're moving into YouTube for TGSR the Archives will be redone to the best of our ability. NOTE: Some old shows may be lost in the transition as we've changed sites a few times.)
- ADMINS: Member and Admin Panels are now together. They will remain like this until further notice.
- BETA: New Chatbox for TGSR (one for TGS will be available soon)
- Speed enhancement. Original background was causing some horrible load times this has been temporarily fixed.
- Social Media Integration. All Cast Blogs and Site News now post to TGS Facebook, TGS Twitter, TGSR Facebook, and TGSR Twitter.
Changes to look forward to: - Integration of Twitch.TV back on our site (Had this before until we had issues Twitch side)
- Secondary TGS chat (backup for Twitch's chat)
- Completion of the theme
- Additional forum badges (including Contributor, Supporter, Forum Ninja, and more)
Until next update,
RampantEpsilon TGS/TGSR Promotion Manager & Webmaster