Miss an episode of your favorite show? Want to see our YouTube series? All of that can be found in our Archives here.
Check out the Archives. Updated Daily.
Want to see people find new mods? How about watching them 100% games? Or maybe you just like the MOBA factor. Check out Monday Mayhem right here on TGSN.
Check it out here. Live Weekly on Mondays @ 9p EST.
Miss an episode of your favorite show? Want to see our YouTube series? All of that can be found in our Archives here.
Check out the Archives. Updated Daily.
I'm pleased to announce the newest position here on TGS/TGSR. Our new position is called Community Streamers. This position will be given to anyone that is willing to help provide content for any of the following media locations:
TGS Twitch.TV Channel
TGS hitbox.TV Channel
TGS YouTube Channel
TGSR YouTube Channel
There is not that many requirements to being in this position. Simply Apply Here and one of the TGS/TGSR Site Admins will be in contact with you about the position. As part of the Community Streamers group you will receive access to the following:
Special Forums for the position
Beta Access to all new features
Special Forum Badge
Colorful Name to showcase on the site
So, does this position fancy your needs? If so, Apply Here today and we'll get you in the door to streaming for our sources.
Update also includes the following:
Minor bug fix with the Kamen Rider Gaim theme where the TGS, TGSR, and TGS/TGSR members names were invisible on the forums.
Minor bug fix with the Kamen Rider Wizard Infinity & Persona 3 FES themes where the Community Streamers members names were invisible on the forums.