Home » 2014 » July » 26 » v6.2 - New Stuff To Play With
8:38 PM
v6.2 - New Stuff To Play With

The title says it all, this update brings gadgets to play with as well as a cleaner look and feel for the site. It brings updates to things we love like the linkbar at the top as well as to our Home Page and will be the first progressive update (more to come later).

First, I can't stress it enough that in order for us to know you like what we're doing we need to see some comments and some new accounts coming to the site. Yes, this is a plead for attention, but if we know you're alive out there we can work on bringing some more stuff to the table. It's a you help us help you situation here.

Now, on to the goodies. Below you'll find a list of things that happened as well as a few things that will be happening soon, enjoy.

  • Updated Linkbar
    - Linkbar follows you everywhere you go ..... on the site that is.
    - Linkbar now displays TGS, TGSR, and Rampant Gaming (abbreviated to RG) as separate entries rather than just showing all of them.
    - Staff will notice a Staff Forums link that will stand alone from the linkbar (it's fully functional, but it doesn't have a drop down or is included in the rest of the bar.
  • Updated Home Page
    - TGS Twitch and TGSR last video are listed on the Home Page and will (should) toggle between active stream (i.e. Saturdays it will show TGSR instead of TGS)
    - Chat for all three are in a popout window that is linked under the streams.
  • Updated Forums
    - The forums we had are no longer (thus removing the inactive FM team we had too). Instead, they will be redeveloped into Discussion Boards for the shows.
    - Discussion Boards are under development and should be up within a week (thus making this a progressive update) This will be considered part of v6.2 and not a v6.2.1 or anything so no worries.
  • Reworks for all current themes
    - The following themes will be receiving minor updates to bring them to v6 specs: Wizard, Gaim, Wizard Infinity, Persona 3, Christmas, Halloween
    - Updates to themes will result in the Christmas and Halloween themes to appear momentarily (possibly for a day each) and will be selectable for that length of time. However, changing from the theme will result in you having to wait until October or December for the theme to come back. There will NOT be a tweet or post when they are live so you'll just have to wait.
  • Google+, Twitter, and Facebook buttons added to Site News, Blogs, News Corner, and Discussion Boards
    - These buttons were removed in the forums due to bugs before, but they will make their appearance within this update.

Again, we thrive on you giving feedback. Whether you're staff or just a visitor, post below and tell us what you think about the site and what we should do to fix it. So, post below and tell us what you think.


Global Admin

Category: Site News | Views: 938 | Added by: RampantEpsilon | Rating: 0.0/0
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