Home » 2014 » March » 29

          After the shocking conclusion to last week's episode how will Kouta bounce back.  Let's find out with episode twenty-three of Kamen Rider Gaim "Take the Field! Kachidoki Arms!"  We start this week with Kaito searching for the red Inves from last week.  We are informed about how this Inves is sapient since it has created a weapon and has been dubbed as the Overlord Inves. Kaito is tasked with finding it to explore the possibility of a third option to save the world. 

          After the opening we see Takatora and Sid talk about how Takatora let Kouta go again since he is nothing more than a husk because of the information about Yuuya he got from last week.  We cut to Sengoku and Micchy as Sengoku talks about recent events and  talk about how Takatora has a bad habit of trusting the wrong people the most.  We cut to Kouta as ... Read more »

Category: peacemaker2448 | Views: 785 | Added by: peacemaker2448 | Date: 2014-03-29 | Comments (0)

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