Home » 2014 » July » 9 » Recap and Review: Kamen Rider Gaim Episode 36
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Recap and Review: Kamen Rider Gaim Episode 36

          This episode has left many in tears and others crying out for blood, more so than usual.  So what happen to cause such an outcry let's find out with episode thirty-six of Kamen Rider Gaim "The brothers' showdown! Zangetsu Vs Shin Zangetsu!"  We pick where we last left off with Micchy attacking Kouta.  Kouta is eventually knocked out of Armored Form and is about to be killed before Takatora runs out of the shadows and demands answers from his brother.  This leaves Micchy a bit shocked to see his brother back from the dead.  Coming out of the cold opening we see Micchy explain why he is doing this.  He is doing this because there is no other option and he wants to save all those around him he cares about.  He even calls Takatora worthless with Yggdrasill gone.  Kaito arrives on scene to step in but gets cut by Redyue's staff for his trouble.  Redyue takes Micchy away since he still needs him and two of our main riders are left in shock. 

          Kouta informs the rest of Team United Melody as they are left stunned and angered by this.  Kouta and Mai try to defend their friend by accept the truth and just want to have their friend back.  Kaito chimes in to argue with Kouta as his cut from earlier glows.  Kaito tells him if there is nothing left in Micchy's soul what will Kouta do then.  Outside Takatora gets caught up on events thanks to Minato.  She asks if he resents her and he says what done is done and they need to work together.  He also says that anyone working with the Overlords is a enemy no matter who they are.

          At Yggdrasill HQ Micchy gets a talk from Redyue.  We find out she killed all of her family and even enjoyed it.  He tells him if he kills his family he will finally be at his level.  Kaito comes across Mai practicing and the two have a quick chat about Micchy.  Mai says she won't give up on her friend and sees that as a weakness.  Kaito agrees with this and eve says she is strong in her own way.  At Drupers Kouta can't seem to eat as Takatora drops by for a chat.  He gives him a Sunflower Lockseed to get some nutrients in his system. The two of them also have a chat about Micchy.  The two trade family stories and says that Micchy wouldn't have turned out like he did if Kouta was his brother.  He also blames himself for not being stronger.  Kouta tells him Micchy is wrapped up in his own lies and can't see the right decisions anymore.  Takatora heads off to take care of Micchy himself and picks up his old Sengoku Driver and Melon Lockseed.  An email to Micchy later and the stage is set for the two to do battle.  Team United Melody is getting people out of the city and Kouta arrives back at Team Gaim HQ to find out where Takatora has been.  Minato tells him what is about to go down outside and Kouta heads off to stop them.  At the scene of the battle the two trade words about each other.  Micchy tells Takatora he should be proud since he is keeping Project Ark alive under a new direction.  Takatora tells him that he has one last job to do and that is to stop him.  We cut away before the fight starts as Redyue intercepts Kouta to keep him busy.  Kouta fights Redyue in Kachidoki before going Kiwami to fight Redyue off to get back on track.  Redyue surprised by Kiwami's power and how it feels like the Forbidden Fruit that Roshuo has consumed once before.  He even tells Kouta that he will enjoy watching him find out about his new power and how "things have begun for him."

          The two brothers begin their fight since there is room for only one Zangetsu in this show.  The two trade blows initially but Takatora is quick to gain the upper hand.  Due to some dirt in the visor Takatora loses his shield and has to fight with just his Saber.  Takatora is still able to fight Micchy off and the two charge up a Melon Energy Charge Shot and Melon Squash respectfully to end the fight once and for all.  Takatora gains a huge opening but due to untimely flashbacks stops before he brings his sword down.  A Melon Energy Squash sends Takatora flying into the ocean nearby and his belt into a bush on land.  We see Takatora de-henshin and sink as Micchy stands tall.  We end with Kouta hoping he isn't too late, although we know better. 

          I was absolutely surprised by this outcome.  Like many other people I was expecting Takatora to come out on top and claim his belt and Lockseed back and send Micchy back home to his owner Redyue.  That doesn't mean that this is a bad decision as the fight shows that Micchy needed a cheap shot in order to beat his brother who outclassed him at every chance he got.  While Micchy has now taken a life and, in by book, sealed his fate into dying by somebody's hands by the end of this show Takatora seemingly takes a bow and exits stage right.  Whether or not Takatora  is actually dead we will find out in two weeks and one does have to wonder where Pierre was since he was gone all episode.  Kouta and Mai show their resolve in not giving up on Micchy although this trust is a bit misplaced.  Kaito gains a mark from Redyue and how all this will play out is going to be a long term observation but I suspect that Kouta and Kaito may both suffer unexpected consequences for their choices.  Overall a great episode that feels like it will become one of the best episodes to come from this show and defiantly makes the previous ones shine that much brighter.  Next week we take yet another break from the main plot as Kaito takes center stage to pay a visit to the A.U. world of the upcoming Kamen Rider Gaim movie.  Shenanigans are certain as Kaito now takes the role of a soccer player.

          If you want to see the show for yourself check out Aesir Subs or TV-Nihon for subbed episodes every week or check out http://taima.tv/r/TokuNMecha for Super Hero Time, Ressha Sentai Toqger and Kamen Rider Gaim, live at 6:30 p.m. EST on Saturday.  Join the discussion either in the comments or on the forums on the site and check out TGSR Saturdays at 9:00 p.m. EST for both me and my co host Rampant Epsilon as we discuss the show further.

Category: peacemaker2448 | Views: 760 | Added by: peacemaker2448 | Tags: Շաբլոն, dance in the dream, Bordeaux shpallet kampioni i ri i F, прокладывая, Сделать микроскоп, Ra One (2011) online subtitrat, Miliani, Ритуальные убийства / Rituels meurt, Еремеев, Настройка браузера | Rating: 0.0/0
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