We here at The Gaming Saloon Network are pleased to announce that we are breaking out the big guns and going into v1.0. *HOORAY*
Now, you all know how I am so here's the breakdown. We've moved all of our posting here (as you can tell everything even from TGS/TGSR is here now). Also, we've setup shop for all of our content, but that's not all we're doing.
We're looking into better methods for certain shows we do to get the best content out there for all of you. We're looking into ways to get Member Exclusive stuff rolling (more to come in a later patch). And all around, we're looking for all of you.
Obviously, the linkbar's changed. However, the content is just easier to find now. Also, we have two more series to be added once I set them up. You'll know them when you see them.
Instead of the usual this got changed that got changed blah, blah, blah. I'm going to simply tease what's to come for
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