Home » 2013 » July » 29
So as of this post Wizard will have aired 45 episodes.  I have watched 44 of the episodes since neither TV-Nihon or Overtime have posted subs of the 45th episode yet.  So far I have enjoyed the show, but like Fourze it does have its problem.  The main problem would be that  some of the cast is a bit underdeveloped and by some I mean most of the cast.  Haruto and Nito, Wizard and Beast respectively, have gotten the most development out of the main cast. This is to be expected since they are the riders of the show but the rest could still use a bit more.  Rinko has had her moments but outside her recruitment arc at the beginning has yet to have the spotlight on her. Shunpei is the same as well with his recruitment arc being his spotlight while only getting moments here and there.  With Wizard being expanded to 51 episodes maybe they will get there standout episodes.  Koyomi is getting here development late is getting here development late but we ar ... Read more »
Category: peacemaker2448 | Views: 749 | Added by: peacemaker2448 | Date: 2013-07-29 | Comments (0)

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