Home » 2014 » May » 29

          We are back from to the main plot and this show wastes no time in getting things back on track and this week has left many and shock and at what has transpired.  With that said let's not waste time ourselves and take a look at episode thirty-one of Kamen Rider Gaim "The Whereabouts of the Forbidden Fruit."  I will say I love that we open each week with a quick recap and the opening before the show starts properly.  It is a nice way to build hype for the upcoming episode.  Anyway we check in with Takatora to start off with as he finds out some more info on the fruit.  He conforms that it can change the world but Roshuo, the White Overlord from the past few weeks.  He has went as far as to claim the fruit himself and plans to use it for other means since humanity is unworthy to have the fruit.  Sagara appears to convince Roshuo to give humanity ... Read more »

Category: peacemaker2448 | Views: 757 | Added by: peacemaker2448 | Date: 2014-05-29 | Comments (0)

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