Home » 2015 » March » 11

          With Super Hero Taisen GP intros starting and a tough case ahead how is the team doing this week.  Let's find out in "What can the strange victims reveal?". We kick off with a man found dead and Otta giving us the info dump about four more murders happing at the same time.  Different causes of death have been found but the case still strange but no sign of Roidmude influence so far.  Kyu heads off to do work from home while Otta tells the team of his first lead, footage of Chase at one of the crime scenes. Gou is a bit too happy to have his opinion of Chase possibly confirmed but the team is still divided with Gou and Buckle feeling Chase is no longer the Rider he once was and Tomari and Kiriko hoping to bring him back.  Tomari is also willing to fight Chase if they can't bring him back.  On t ... Read more »

Category: peacemaker2448 | Views: 638 | Added by: peacemaker2448 | Date: 2015-03-11 | Comments (0)

          We maybe be looking at another one episode arc but is that totally true.  Let's find out with episode 20 "How long has Saijou Kyu been a Roidmude?".  We start off with Gou, Kiriko, and Tomari heading to a book signing Kyu is doing for a book he wrote.  On the way a Slowdown event happens and Gou heads out in advance while Tomari waits on Buckle to arrive.  We see the Roidmude 072 holding a lady closes to the edge of a roof but is soon distracted by the appearance of Gou.  072 is impressed by Gou's intro and is excited to meet a Rider.  When Tomari arrives he asks why he doesn't do one and Tomari improves one before wondering what his deal is.  Two more Roidmudes arrive and are partially evolved.  They attack 072 initially but soon go after the Riders which give 072 a chance to leave. ... Read more »

Category: peacemaker2448 | Views: 594 | Added by: peacemaker2448 | Date: 2015-03-11 | Comments (0)

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