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Home » 2015»April»8 » Recap and Review: Kamen Rider Drive Episode 24
8:27 PM
Recap and Review: Kamen Rider Drive Episode 24
Back after a week break we see how Gou looks to improve himself and keep up with both friend and foe in "What keeps Mach going?". We kick off with three quick scenes. We see Brain upgrading a Viral Core for Dart much to Medic's anger, Kiriko checks in a slightly better Chase, and Tomari checks up on Mogi and sees he is a bit down for some reason. We also check in on Gou who is receiving his repaired belt from Rinna. He asks if he can get an upgrade of some type. We don't see an answer gave as we see Mogi receive a bomb threat via text message that just so happens to be right in front of him. He is surprised by this and before Tomari can get some answers out of him he runs off into the waiting arms of Dart. Dart is looking for entertainment and Mogi gets to be his plaything for now. Buckle receives word back at The Pit and Gou heads out to confront the bomber. Mogi is saved by Tomari from another bomb and manages to convince the kid to come clean. Gou catches up with Dart in the mean time and after some taunting about their last battle Gou goes straights to Dead Heat to destroy him. Dart tries using the same trick but Gou is well versed in the art of dart catching unfortunately the darts are covered in poison which leaves Mach unable to pursue. Kiriko arrives with Mad Doctor to save her brother's life.
Back at the station Mogi informs the S.C.U. on why he committed the bombings. He sent a bomb threat which garnered the attention of Drat and this lead to their partnership. The kid wanted something exciting to happen but ended up over his head. Kiriko arrives to inform Tomari on the situation and the two notice Gou isn't his normal self and Kiriko agrees to check in on him. Down in The Pit Gou receives the best pep talk Buckle can offer in his position. While Tomari and Chase have evolved with their powers Gou can still evolve himself. Just like how Tomari uses different states of mind to access his powers the Mach Driver can do the same and Gou simply needs to find what the state of mind is. Mach is the more advance system according to Buckle, and this leads to Gou doing some reflecting and Kiriko hears this entire conversation. Meanwhile Chief arrives to arrest Mogi and escort him to HQ. Unfortunately Kyu discovers a bomb threat pointed at Mogi and the team splits up with Otta evacuating civilians and Tomari going to formulate a plan. Kyu heads out as well since he is also a civilian leaving Chief cuffed to Mogi and the two put their faith in the S.C.U. and their Horoscopes.
On the Roof Kiriko and Gou visit their past via flashbacks as Kiriko tells Gou about when he first took Karate lessons. Gou may have not won his first fight but he did not lose faith as he believed in his strength and that he was and forever will be strong. Kiriko believes in her brother and Gou looks to be almost back to himself. Tomari steps out from around the corner to ready themselves for the coming battle. Dart initiates a Slowdown that leads Mach to his location and with Dead Heat's speed he arrives just in time to kick the missile away and fights Dart. Mach is hit by the poison again and while Tomari wants to step in Buckle tells him to wait. Gou believes in his strength and maxes out Dead Heat prematurely to rid himself of the poison. Saying his catchphrase Gou engages Dart once more and even fights off the effects of the maxed out Dead Heat, Dead Heat Burst as I have heard some call it. Tomari lends a bit of assistance and gives Gou a boost with Jacky to set up for the finish. Dart takes a combo Dead Heat and Formula Cannon Full Throttle and this sends Dart to the grave once and for all. The three executives oversee the battle and while Medic is quick to write it off as a loss Heart corrects her by saying it was a success as he is impressed that another person has mastered the Dead Zone. Mogi is taken away but Chief tells him to contact him after getting out and he will help the kid gets back on his feet. Gou tells Rinna not to worry about an upgrade and heads off saying his catchphrase. Rinna wonders what to do with the second Mach Driver she developed to experiment with. We end with Chase leaving the make shift hospital flowers in hand.
This week took the opportunity to give Mach some development as he gets out of the dump he has been in and discover that he is still on par with Tomari and Chase at least for now. Gou and Kiriko have the good moments this episode and Chief managed to have a non comedic moment for once and show he can be serious. This was a good way to end off this two episode arc with Mogi looking to make for what he has done and Mach "gains" a new power. Chase bookends the episode in a way and we get the first step towards his return to being a Kamen Rider. Heart looks to be set up as Mach's finale opponent which I didn't see coming as I figured Drive would be the one to face Heart in the end. Overall this was a nice episode that showed Drive's strong points and setup some things for the future. Next week Hayase returns as a Roidmude attacks him and Tomari is put into a situation that will change how the S.C.U. operates from here on out.
If you want to see the show for yourself check out Over-Time or TV-Nihon for subbed episodes every week or check out http://taima.tv/r/TokuNMecha for Super Hero Time, Shuriken Sentai Ninninger and Kamen Rider Drive, live at 6:30 p.m. EST on Saturday. Join the discussion either in the comments or on the forums on the site and check out TGSR Saturdays at 9:00 p.m. EST as we discuss the show further.