Home » 2015 » April » 15

          Team Drive faces a new kind of enemy this week and things won't be the same after it.  Let's see how the status quo changed in "Why has the battle changed like this?".  We start off with the S.C.U. getting verbal berating by Nira Mitshuide, Captain of the Metro PD 1st Division.  He is not pleased with the team and finds them a waste of time and money as they produce absolutely no results.  Tomari attempts to defend them but only gets it threw back in his face along with a reminder of what happened to Hayase.  Kiriko seems to not be phased by all this but that can be chalked up to her thinking about Chase.  We get a quick shot of Chase discarding his flowers before we check in with Tomari on his favorite hill.  He thinks of his late father when Gou arrives to cheer up his comrade.  Tomari ... Read more »

Category: peacemaker2448 | Views: 663 | Added by: peacemaker2448 | Date: 2015-04-15 | Comments (0)

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