Home » 2015 » May » 13

          Once more into the world of Drive we go and what new twists await our heroes.  Let's find out in "What really happened during the robbery?".  We start off right where we left off last week with Gou being approached by Brain.  He offers a position under 001 and the rest of the Roidmudes but Gou is quick to decline.  He goes Mach and decides to take out all of his anger on the deceptive executive.  Gou finds himself in the driver seat for most of the fight until Brain shows him a tablet with something on it.  More on that when were through the rest of the episode but for now we cut away to the S.C.U. talking about the case of the week.  This time several banks are being robbed by a lone suspect.  Various British Imperial Banks are being broken into along with a lone employee being kil ... Read more »

Category: peacemaker2448 | Views: 674 | Added by: peacemaker2448 | Date: 2015-05-13 | Comments (0)

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