Home » 2015 » August » 14 » Recap and Review: Kamen Rider Drive Episode 41
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Recap and Review: Kamen Rider Drive Episode 41

          Tornado is down for the count but 006 still remains and Banno lurks in the shadows.  The team has threats on all sides now and this week we see what new case hits their desk in "How was the golden Drive created?".  As a pair of nurses come across a unknown female at a local hospital one of them fall unconscious after saying she misses Shou.   This brings the S.C.U. on site to investigate the possibility  of a Roidmude being involved.  Several females have fallen ill and the S.C.U. has little clue as to the cause due to no sign of a Density Shift occurring.  Suddenly Rinna falls victim to the ringing which prompts the doctor to lead the team to the mysterious female.  It is revealed to be "Medic" or at least the person she copied her human form from.  Medic is seen observing the team from afar and has a new companion in the form of a dog that makes Brain a little uneasy.  Reviewing the security footage reveals the pair were the ones to drop off not Medic at the hospital and further information reveals that the same region of the brain is active in all the victims.  This is the emotional center and now the question becomes who is Shou and what is his relationship with our unknown female.  Chase is a bit lost on the whole more than a friend thing but the team is quick to inform him and by the team I mean Otta in a over the top fashion we have not seen in quite some time.  The team also spots Banno overlooking the pair dropping off not Medic and Gou heads out to track down his father.  Chase heads after him leaving the remaining members of the S.C.U. to find out something.

          Back with Medic and Brain the dog continues to be looked after with Medic revealing that she can revert Brain to his core form at any time.  Banno arrives to take Medic but Gou interrupts the proceedings and forces Banno to use Medic as a puppet to fight his son.  Gou holds his own for some time but Banno's tricks but him on the back foot until the arrival of Heart allows Banno to be removed by force.  Banno leaves for now while Medic gives Brain back his body and tells him to take the dog and run.  Chase arrives in time to see Banno leave and attempts to get Heart on their side to eliminate Banno.  Heart will have none of it and even reveals that Medic revived the Roidmudes bodies after the Global Freeze.  She was also sporting a white outfit in the flashback.  Back at the hospital the Riders ponder why there is such a stark difference  between the two Medics.  The Roidmude ones not the one Medic copied her appearance from.  Gou heads out to find Banno again and the arrival of a man gives them a lead on who Medic copied.  He reveals she is Hatori Misuzu a dancer and the man is her boyfriend Igarashi Kazuya.  While not the Shou they are looking for he doesn't seem to know anyone by that name leaving them team with only so much after this new information.  Back with the Executives Heart meets with 006 to see how his hunt for Banno progresses while Medic is glad the dog is safe even though he bit Brain.  The three oversee Kazuya take Hatori to see the ocean and Chase inquires more about this whole boyfriend girlfriend thing.  Tomari does his best to explain it but talk of the birds and the bees will have to wait as the two dancers have disappeared after Otta arrives confirming her identity.  Chase catches Kiriko as she trips going down the stairs and he wonders if he is developing feelings for Kiriko.

          We see Medic is responsible for the disappearance and is questioning Kazuya if he really loves her and if so why she hasn't woken up yet.  Tomari goes Tridoron to back Medic off and allow Otta and Kiriko to evac the two of them.  Chase arrives quickly afterward to back up Tomari.  Meanwhile Brain finds himself caught out in the rain with the dog and manages to stumble upon Banno as 006 and six other Roidmudes have him surrounded.  Banno takes out the six with relative ease and before 006 can even turn into his advanced form Banno destroys his Core form and uses his body for himself in order to become a golden Drive.  Gou arrives to get some answers about his father using him.  Meanwhile Tomari manages to get Medic talking about why she did all this and we see it was all to find her Ultimate Evolution.  Waking her up by finding Shou might be the key for her to finally evolve further.  Back with Dr. Phil's next case Gou finds out that his father didn't care about him before, during, or after he used him to get close to Buckle and the S.C.U. he is nothing more than a tool to be used and this applies to all of his family.  Gou has had enough of this and goes Dead Heat to take down his father but Banno installed the latest God Mode cheats and proceeds to barley break a sweat.  When Gou tries to use the Stop Signal Bike in the Zerin Shooter Banno reveals he also installed pirating software as he outright steals the gun and Bike and uses the two to knock Gou out of Dead Heat.  He throws away his stolen goods and calls Gou useless and heads out to ruin someone else's 's day.  That someone turns out to be Brain after the dog relives himself on Brain and runs away leaving him alone to deal with the mad Rider.  Medic continues her fight with the other two Riders and after the dog greats Hatori we see that the dog might just be Shou.  Drive blocks Chase's attempt to attack Medic when she is hit by the ever aggressive Flashback and we end with Tomari asking her what is going on with this case.  In our final Surprise Future episode we see Eiji arrive in the past looking to inform his father of the dark future that has to be averted.  Dark Drive is in hot pursuit of Eiji and we end off the NexTridoron chasing Eiji down.

          This week like some of episodes of Drive is a whole lot of setup for the following episode and while still entertaining really doesn't offer much on its own.  Banno is the stand out as we see just how much of a jackass he really is and the reveal of Gold Drive while spoiled early due to last week's preview it was a great debut to the show's  new Rider.  The suit looks great and manages through a simple recolor and great suit acting turn the normally heroic looking Type Speed suit into a far more menacing form.  The gold with black is a color combo that is hard to do wrong but the red eyes brings it all together and proves that even though it is another repaint it is able to bring something new out of a old suit design.  Chase while stuck on the whole girlfriend thing almost all episode still drops a great little moment in the beginning as he was driving the S.C.U.'s van to the hospital and comes out of it wearing aviator glasses and acting like somebody from a action movie.  It's the little moments like this that are the best comedy of the show and I can only hope there is more to come.  I will wait until next week to comment on the case itself since there isn't much to go on for now.  Overall a good episode only hampered by having to hold back on the case but makes up for it with Banno making his grand Rider debut.  Next week Tomari and Chase face off with Banno, we find out what the deal is with the dog, and Medic achieves the evolution she has been seeking.

          If you want to see the show for yourself check out Over-Time or TV-Nihon for subbed episodes every week or check out http://taima.tv/r/TokuNMecha for Super Hero Time, Shuriken Sentai Ninninger and Kamen Rider Drive, live at 6:30 p.m. EST on Saturday.  Join the discussion either in the comments or on the forums on the site and check out TGSR Saturdays at 9:00 p.m. EST as we discuss the show further.

Category: peacemaker2448 | Views: 672 | Added by: peacemaker2448 | Tags: Recap, tgs, review, recap and review, the gaming saloon, R&R, Drive, Kamen Rider, tgsr, kamen rider drive | Rating: 0.0/0
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