Home » 2014 » April » 10

          After a week break due to the Gattai Special between Toqger and Gaim and two weeks removed from the exciting debut of Kachidoki Arms we are back with an R&R this week and let's not waste and this show started with episode twenty-four of Kamen Rider Gaim "A New Threat - The Overlords." We kick things off by catching back up with Kaito as he is still getting his ass kicked by the Red Overlord from last week. Things aren't looking up for our red knight as he is no match for the Overlord's powers.  Kaito is about to get killed before Minato makes the save with a few Peach Energy Charge Shots to make a quick escape with Kaito in tow. Minato tells Kaito he has done more than enough without engaging it in a fight.  Kaito says he is doing the research his way by fighting it since that is the easiest way for him.  We see the Green Overlord observing the two from a tre ... Read more »

Category: peacemaker2448 | Views: 722 | Added by: peacemaker2448 | Date: 2014-04-10 | Comments (0)

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«  April 2014  »

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